Tax Return Preparation
Tax Return Preparation Support Practice Tax Return Preparation Back Taxes Wage/Levy & Seizure Installment Agreement Currently Not Collectable Offer in Compromise Injured Spouse – Innocent Spouse Abatement of Penalties Audit Representation Business Payroll Tax – Civil Penalties Tax Liens Trucking Tax Issues Realtor Tax Issues Stop your IRS tax problems today! WE CAN HELP! 800-355-2079 […]
Back Taxes
Back Taxes Support Practice Stop your IRS tax problems today! WE CAN HELP! 844-445-6100 How do I pay my back taxes? There are several options available to you like Installment Agreements, Hardships and even Offer in Compromises, but you need to find what will work best for you. Doing nothing is not the answer to […]
Wage/Levy & Seizure
Wage Levy/Seizure Support Practice Stop your IRS tax problems today! WE CAN HELP! 844-445-6100 What happens if the IRS places a wage levy on you? Can the IRS or State take my pay check? Yes, through a Wage Levy a large portion can be withheld from: Wages (W-2) Self Employment (1099) Disability Social Security Investments […]